CE certificate is a health and safety mark that indicates the conformity of the products with the necessary legislative conditions in order to ensure the free movement of devices or products in the markets of the countries that are party to the EU. This sign is a sign indicating that the products produced in line with the new approach policy written by the European Union are suitable for human health and the environment, and also shows that the products are reliable.
By publishing a legislation, the EU aimed to use a uniform mark indicating its conformity with EU requirements, instead of the different conformity marks made throughout the EU. CE mark, It is an indication that the product will be withdrawn without any condition by the manufacturer in case of any nonconformity. In terms of our foreign trade, it is not possible to export the products that do not have the CE mark to the states that are party to the European Union. In terms of our domestic market, it is not possible for products that are included in the field of product regulations that have harmonized with the legislation and entered into mandatory application, and products that do not have the CE mark, even though they are required to enter the market of our country. For the CE mark, the compliance stages of the defined product sets, the ministries to which the product sets are subject, the undersecretariat of foreign trade and other public institutions are followed. CE mark is not a quality mark,
The CE mark is struck for officials, not consumers. Products without CE marking are considered unsafe and are not placed on the market, so they are considered inefficient. If the ce mark is printed on a product, it is allowed to circulate and market freely in EU countries with the belief that it is manufactured in accordance with EU directives, but it does not mean that it will allow people to move freely. It is required that the products exported to Europe have the CE mark for every product within the scope of the directives. The CE mark is valid only when the conditions specified in the directives are complied with.
Other names of CE certificate are ce mark, ce certificate, ce mark. Although this document or mark is an official mark, it is valid in all EU countries. CE mark is a brand imprinted on the product by the manufacturer. But it would be wrong to see this sign as a quality mark or a guarantee document. Indicates only the level at which quality begins. By printing the CE mark on the product it produces, the manufacturer declares that it supplies all the relevant legal requirements of its product and that it can supply the product to the market within the European economic area.